Impressions of Hampton Court Palace

I thought I would start reviewing castles and palaces I visited in Europe, starting with the four I used for my thesis, in the hopes that I would remember to post here more regularly. We’ll begin with Hampton Court Palace. I loved visiting Hampton Court Palace outside London. Hampton Court is actually two palaces in one: […]

Update and Cardiff Castle thesis chapter

Hello! It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I’ve written on here. So much for my New Year’s Resolution to use social media more (although I have gotten better at Twitter at least). Maybe this can be a summer’s resolution to do this more regularly (once every week or two) – although the […]

Open Palace Programme – Weeks 1 and 2 Overview

I’ve been having such a great experience through the Open Palace Programme!! It’s been a great group of people with helpful, wonderful mentors. I have been learning so much and taking tons of notes and photos; I’m probably still missing some things, but I think most of it should come back with me. The session […]

A Brief Discussion of Virtual History Tours

Thanks to Ryah for sharing the information about undersea Google Earth in Sydney Harbor with me in the short course earlier today. With just a quick glance, this seems to be a very interesting concept underway and a great way to get students interested in oceans, marine wildlife and flora, and science/biology. Now the question […]